Be Different by Being Yourself! Be Human – your Clients will Love you for it!


What sets lawyers apart? Their humanity.

Speaking as a former law firm partner, I know too well that lawyers, like many professionals, often compartmentalize their business persona from their personal self to assure approval (or to avoid risking disapproval) from clients and colleagues. While professionalism is admirable, it needn’t be impersonal. Review your recent activity on LinkedIn. Does it reflect a 3-D person?

In a highly competitive space, differentiation is key. One of the best ways to rise above the noise is to share your humanity. Certainly, post your professional wins and support the posts of your clients, friends, and colleagues. But weave in your passions, hobbies, and your weekend trip to the museum with the kids. It doesn’t count against you to have a personality. In fact, it makes you more approachable.

In a field where the phrase “trusted advisor” is used daily, likeable is important, too.


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